Does this happen to you, too?
You go to open your phone to look up the knitting technique video, just to be distracted by the email or text you just received, IG comment that popped up, or you saw something that required your attention (or let’s be real - it just took your attention) only to realize 10 minutes later why you had picked up your phone in the first place - to look up the knitting technique?
Maybe you’re newer to sock knitting like me, or just have a hard time remembering which needle you work purlwise and which one is knitwise? Or maybe you don’t want to be distracted by all of the other things on your phone because this is your precious knitting time!
This little keychain is the perfect size for your project bag or notions pouch that easily has the instructions for the Kitchener Stitch on it! No googling, no YouTubing, no distractions! Right there - at your finger tips when you need it! #TeamCuffDown
The keychain is 2" in width at the bottom of the beaker and 2 3/4" in length. It is in the shape of a Erlenmeyer flask (or beaker) and it is made of wood! The keychain features the Breaking Yarn logo on the back!