About Us

Breaking Yarn is all hand dyed in small batches and is made up of two parts.

Part 1: Breaking Bad themed colorways! I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where Breaking Bad took place and where all the filming happened! There are many colorways expected to come out in the coming months and years - so I hope you're along for the ride and transformation - much like Walter White's transformation, but without the bad! :) 

Part 2: The process of breaking a color in the dye pot. This is where you get multiple colors out of one color due to the rate at which the colors adhere to the yarn and the color becomes exhausted. Any of the colorways with the name breaking in the title is a broken color.  

Thank you so much for supporting a small business! 

Want to know more? Please check out this indie-dyer spotlight interview of me by the amazing knitter and world traveler, Krista from Explore with Knitsy!

Interview Breaking Yarn: Knitting Success with Print Runner